1. Preparing Data

Fast Radio Burst observations are taken with different telescopes from different countries around the world. Because of this, different studies will make their radio observations available in all kinds of formats and knowing how to adapt to and deal with different formats is a skill that one invariably develops when working with FRBs (and astronomical data in general).

This tutorial is intended as an example of how FRB data from different sources can be prepared for use in FRBGui and is intended for researchers new to FRBs with some technical experience programming in Python. Parts of the tutorial will require FRBGui to be installed (see Installation).

In this tutorial we will load FRB data from two different studies and prepare them in FRBGui’s Burst Format and save them as numpy zipped .npz archive files.

These .npz files will be used in the tutorial “Measuring FRBs” to obtain spectro-temporal measurements of the FRBs. These tutorials can be done out of order if preferred, as the .npz files will be provided in the next tutorial for download.

The two studies we will process data from today will feature two different data formats and are

Gajjar et al. (2018) features observations of the repeating source FRB 20121102A using the Green Bank Telescope. As stated in their paper, the data are available in the PSRFITS format at http://seti.berkeley.edu/frb121102/technical.html. The bursts in these data are already conveniently cut-out into individual files.

Aggarwal et al. (2021) also features observations of the repeating source FRB 20121102A, taken with the Arecibo telescope. These data are available in the filterbank format, and their results are available at https://github.com/thepetabyteproject/FRB121102. For these data, we will download the entire observation and need to locate the bursts and cut them out ourselves.

Following each paper’s respective documentation, we will use Python packages that can read the data and prepare scripts to read the PSRFITS and filterbank data and save the bursts into .npz files that we can use with FRBGui.

Our goal is to prepare the following two bursts so that we may obtain their spectro-temporal properties in the next tutorial.


On the left, burst 11A from Fig. 2 of Gajjar et al. (2018). On the right, Burst B6 from Fig. 1 of Aggarwal et al. (2021).

1.1. Reading PSRFITS (.fits)

In this section we will develop a script that reads a PSRFITS file and prepares the FRB contained within it for measurement.

>> Open the documentation for Gajjar et al. (2018) and download burst 11A which has the filename 11A_16sec.calib.4p and is 308 MB. Save this file into your folder of choice.

As stated in their documentation, the package PyPulse can be used to read their PSRFITS format.

>> Install PyPulse from the command line

pip install --user pypulse


Note that version 0.1.1 of PyPulse will not work with recent versions of numpy (>=1.20).

If a newer release of PyPulse is not yet available on pip, you will need to install PyPulse from a local copy of its repository which has resolved its issue with newer versions of numpy. You can do so in the following way:

git clone https://github.com/mtlam/PyPulse.git
cd PyPulse
pip install --user --editable .

With PyPulse installed you can open the data and start preparing it according to FRBGui’s Burst Format with the following code:

 1import pypulse
 2import numpy as np
 3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 5ar = pypulse.Archive('11A_16sec.calib.4p', prepare=False) # load without dedispersing
 6ar.pscrunch() # average polarizations if any
 7ar.center() # center pulse in array
 9wfall = ar.getData()
10burstmetadata = {
11        'dt'        : ar.getTimes(),
12        'dfs'       : ar.getFreqs(),
13        'DM'        : ar.getDM(),
14        'bandwidth' : ar.getBandwidth(),
15        'duration'  : ar.getDuration(), # usually in seconds
16        'center_f'  : ar.getCenterFrequency(),
17        'freq_unit' : ar.getFrequencyUnit(),
18        'time_unit' : ar.getTimeUnit(),
19        'int_unit'  : ar.getIntensityUnit(),
20        'telescope' : ar.getTelescope(),
21        'burstSN'   : ar.getSN(),
22        'tbin'      : ar.getTbin(),

In the above we have used the methods in pypulse.Archive to extract the information we will need from the fits file. For more information on these methods visit PyPulse’s documentation.

We can now perform a few checks to ensure the values from the fits file will work with FRBGui and adjust them if not.

25for item in burstmetadata.items():
26        print(*item)

Which outputs each key and value in burstmetadata:

dt [0.01048303]
dfs [8188.87304688 8188.68994141 8188.50683594 ... 4626.92236328 4626.73925781
DM 557.91
bandwidth -3562.5
duration 0.020966058666666648
center_f 6407.7148
freq_unit MHz
time_unit SEC
int_unit Jy
telescope GBT
burstSN 7.9028664
tbin 1.0239731655700501e-05

We can also see that wfall.shape = (19456, 2048), indicating the data have 19456 frequency channels and 2048 time channels.

These values align well with FRBGui’s Burst Format since the freq_unit and time_unit are already in MHz and seconds, respectively. However the dfs array and the bandwidth field are in slightly different formats. The dfs array should be sorted from smallest to largest and the negative sign in bandwidth is ignored by FRBGui, so it is a good idea to remove it. We can correct these by doing

28burstmetadata['bandwidth'] = abs(burstmetadata['bandwidth'])

At this stage we could save the wfall and burstmetadata into an .npz file and the file will load in FRBGui.

However, due to the large size of the data array (with 19456 frequency channels) we may want to reduce the amount of data that is loaded into FRBGui for the sake of signal to noise as well as performance. We can also plot the data and check that we have correctly read the file.

Let’s start by plotting the data using matplotlib to see what we are working with.

31plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', origin='lower')

We use aspect='auto' to get a more square figure and origin='lower' to specify we want the lowest frequency at the bottom. Feel free to experiment with these options.

The resulting plot is shown below.


Burst waterfall (frequency on y-axis, time on x-axis)

Oops! We don’t see anything. The large number of channels may be washing out our signal, so let’s temporarily downsample the burst using the driftrate module (which ships with FRBGui) to see if the signal to noise will increase.

31import driftrate
33wfall = driftrate.subsample(wfall, 304, 512)
34plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', origin='lower')

Here we’ve downsampled the original waterfall size of 19456 freq. channels and 2048 time channels to 19456/64 = 304 frequency channels and 2048/4 = 512 time channels.


Downsampled burst waterfall (frequency on y-axis, time on x-axis)

While still faint we can begin to see the burst (though it appears flipped) and more importantly what appears to be two bands of radio frequency interference (RFI) near the bottom and top of the waterfall at around y = 20 and 245.

These RFI bands may be responsible for washing out the burst. If we can locate them precisely we can remove them and then plot the waterfall without them.

To precisely locate them we will plot the waterfall’s spectrum, averaged over all time samples, to obtain a plot of intensity vs. frequency.

plt.plot(np.nanmean(wfall, axis=1))

Burst spectrum (intensity on y-axis, frequency on x-axis)

The two spikes at around x = 1000 and 15300 are the RFI we saw in the earlier waterfall. By inspecting the figure more closely using matplotlib’s graphical interface (you can use plt.show() in a script or %matplotlib qt in a jupyter notebook) we can more precisely determine the offending channel numbers and remove them from the waterfall with the following code. We will also flip the waterfall so that the burst is the right way up.

32wfall[1053:1110] = 0
33wfall[15360:15471] = 0
34wfall = np.flipud(wfall)
35wfall = driftrate.subsample(wfall, 304, 512)
37plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='none')

Burst waterfall with high signal-to-noise (frequency on y-axis, time on x-axis)

Great! We can now clearly see the burst.

1.1.1. Computing Axes

One last check we can perform is to add the units of the frequency (MHz) and time (ms) axes so that we can be sure we have loaded the data as it is presented in the paper (See the figure above).

The PSRFITS file contains information about the bandwidth, duration, frequency axis, and duration in the burstmetadata['bandwidth'], burstmetadata['duration'], burstmetadata['dfs'], burstmetadata['dt'], and burstmetadata['tbin'] fields (which we printed above). The dt and tbin fields seem to slightly differ, and if we compute the resolution with the duration and original waterfall shape (before subsampling)

>>> burstmetadata['duration']/wfall.shape[0]*1000

we get yet another slightly different value. In this case it may be best to just try all three and see which best matches up with the publication or contact the paper author for clarification.

For now we will simply compute the frequency and time resolutions using the 'bandwidth' and 'duration' fields from the file and the shape of the original waterfall. Downsampling the burst will change the resolutions since we are decreasing the number of channels, so we will store the original shape of the waterfall and update the resolutions based on the factor we downsampled by.

32wfall[1053:1110] = 0
33wfall[15360:15471] = 0
34wfall = np.flipud(wfall)
36df = burstmetadata['bandwidth']/wfall.shape[0] # MHz
37dt = burstmetadata['duration']/wfall.shape[1]*1000 # ms
38origshape = wfall.shape
39wfall = driftrate.subsample(wfall, 2432, 2048)
40df *= origshape[0]/wfall.shape[0]
41dt *= origshape[1]/wfall.shape[1] # no change
43plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='none')

Note here that we have changed our downsampling to 2432 by 2048 channels (more than before but less than the original) to preserve some of the data resolution. This will decrease the signal-to-noise but we will be able to modify this more dynamically later from inside FRBGui. A higher data resolution also helps with measurements stability and accuracy.

Using the frequency and time resolutions, we can now add axis labels and display the waterfall axes using imshow’s extent keyword, which takes a list of [left, right, bottom, top] limits for the axes.

42lowest_freq = min(burstmetadata['dfs'])
43extent = [
44        0,
45        dt*wfall.shape[1],
46        lowest_freq,
47        lowest_freq + df*wfall.shape[0]
49# convenience function from driftrate module, same as above:
50# extent, _ = driftrate.getExtents(wfall, df=df, dt=dt, lowest_freq=lowest_freq)
52plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='none', extent=extent)
53plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
54plt.ylabel("Frequency (MHz)")
55plt.title(f"Burst 11A ({wfall.shape = })")

The prepared waterfall, ready for saving. On the left the burst is faintly seen compared to on the right due to the difference in waterfall downsampling.

From here we can see that the frequency axes match with the figure in the paper and that the burst lasts just over 2 ms, also consistent with what is shown in the paper figure.

There are other tasks we could perform if desired, we could crop the waterfall to include less of the data before and after the burst or we could decrease the bandwidth. This however is sufficient for our purposes and we can now save the burst for measurement in FRBGui with the following command.

56np.savez('burst11A.npz', wfall=wfall, **burstmetadata)

This creates a file burst11A.npz that can be loaded into FRBGui (see Measuring FRBs) in the directory of your script. Congratulations!

This script can now be used as the basis for preparing PSRFITS files, especially the other bursts made available from Gajjar et al. (2018). For example, it can be adapted to prepare all the bursts automatically in a loop over the downloaded data files.

1.1.2. Complete Code

For your reference, below is the complete script we developed for reading burst 11A in its PRSFITS format and preparing it as a numpy zipped .npz file, ready for further analysis in FRBGui or other Python scripts. Included are some optional lines for removing the bandwidth above and below the burst.

 1import pypulse
 2import numpy as np
 3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 4import driftrate
 6ar = pypulse.Archive('11A_16sec.calib.4p', prepare=False) # load without dedispersing
 7ar.pscrunch() # average polarizations if any
 8ar.center() # center pulse in array
10wfall = ar.getData()
11burstmetadata = {
12        'dt'        : ar.getTimes(),
13        'dfs'       : ar.getFreqs(),
14        'DM'        : ar.getDM(),
15        'bandwidth' : ar.getBandwidth(),
16        'duration'  : ar.getDuration(), # usually in seconds
17        'center_f'  : ar.getCenterFrequency(),
18        'freq_unit' : ar.getFrequencyUnit(),
19        'time_unit' : ar.getTimeUnit(),
20        'int_unit'  : ar.getIntensityUnit(),
21        'telescope' : ar.getTelescope(),
22        'burstSN'   : ar.getSN(),
23        'tbin'      : ar.getTbin(),
26burstmetadata['bandwidth'] = abs(burstmetadata['bandwidth'])
29wfall[1053:1110] = 0
30wfall[15360:15471] = 0
31wfall = np.flipud(wfall)
33df = burstmetadata['bandwidth']/wfall.shape[0] # MHz
34dt = burstmetadata['duration']/wfall.shape[1]*1000 # ms
35origshape = wfall.shape
36wfall = driftrate.subsample(wfall, 2432, 2048)
37df *= origshape[0]/wfall.shape[0]
38dt *= origshape[1]/wfall.shape[1] # no change
40# Optional: crop frequency band to match Fig 1 in Gajjar+2018
41# burstmetadata['bandwidth'] = burstmetadata['bandwidth']*((wfall.shape[0] - ((wfall.shape[0]-2200)+510))/wfall.shape[0])
42# lowest_freq = burstmetadata['center_f'] - wfall.shape[0]/2*(df*(19456/2432)) + (df*(19456/2432))*510
43# wfall = wfall[510:2200, ...]
44# df = burstmetadata['bandwidth']/wfall.shape[0]
45# burstmetadata['dfs'] = np.linspace(lowest_freq, lowest_freq+burstmetadata['bandwidth'], num=wfall.shape[0])
47lowest_freq = min(burstmetadata['dfs'])
48extent = [
49        0,
50        dt*wfall.shape[1],
51        lowest_freq,
52        lowest_freq + df*wfall.shape[0]
54# convenience function from driftrate module, same as above:
55# extent, _ = driftrate.getExtents(wfall, df=df, dt=dt, lowest_freq=lowest_freq)
57plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='none', extent=extent)
58plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
59plt.ylabel("Frequency (MHz)")
60plt.title(f"Burst 11A ({wfall.shape = })")
62np.savez('burst11A.npz', wfall=wfall, **burstmetadata)

1.2. Reading Filterbank (.fil)

Our goal in this section is to read the bursts from Aggarwal et al. (2021), specifically burst B6 and prepare if for measurement in FRBGui.

The data are available in a large filterbank file that includes the entire observational scan. It’s size is multiple gigabytes. Accompanying the paper is a spreadsheet with the timestamps of when the bursts were observed in the filterbank file. The paper also explains that it used a custom package called BurstFit for its analysis. Our strategy then will be to download the files, extract the timestamps from the paper’s provided spreadsheet, and use BurstFit to cutout the data from the filterbank file. In order to extract basic information about the data file such as the resolutions and bandwidth, we will use another package called Your for convenience.

>> Download the filterbank data from Aggarwal et al. (2021) and extract it (6.2 GB). In it will be two filterbank files in deeply nested folders. Copy them to the directory of your choice and start a script.

1files = [
2        'puppi_57644_C0531+33_0021_subs_0001.fil',
3        'puppi_57645_C0531+33_0029_subs_0001.fil'

Note that the ‘57644’ and ‘57645’ in the filenames refer to the day of the observation (the Modified Julian Date).

>> Download all_bursts_bary.csv which will contain metadata about the bursts as well as the burst timestamps.

>> Install the BurstFit and Your packages on the command-line. Read the “BurstData” class section of the BurstFit documentation.

pip install --user burstfit your

>> Load the spreadsheet using pandas (pip install --user pandas if you do not already have it)

1import pandas as pd
3canddf = pd.read_csv('all_bursts_bary.csv')

The spreadsheet does not have an explicit column for the “candidate times” but it does contain all the information for locating each burst in the “cand_id” column. For example,

>>> canddf['cand_id'][0]

In this field we can find the day of the observation, the candidate time (the time from the start of the filterbank file where the candidate burst can be found), the DM, and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Notice that the values are separated by a “_” character.

We will use the BurstData class from the BurstFit package to load the bursts. This class requires filename, DM, candidate time, width (number of samples to load), and the SNR of the burst.

>> Extract the properties needed for the BurstData class from the 'cand_id' column and add these columns to the spreadsheet

 4canddf['tstart'] = [float(candid.split('_')[2]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
 5canddf['tcand']  = [float(candid.split('_')[4]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
 6canddf['dm']     = [float(candid.split('_')[6]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
 7canddf['snr']    = [float(candid.split('_')[8]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
 8canddf['label']  = canddf['bidx']
 9canddf['width']  = 256
10canddf['file']   = [files[0] if '57644' in str(tstart) else files[1] for tstart in canddf['tstart']]
11canddf = canddf.set_index('label')

Here we have used the .split() function and the fact that 'cand_id' contains the “_” character between values to extract the information we want. We have also used the 'bidx' column to serve as a label for each burst, and chosen to extract 256 time samples around each candidate burst.

At this point we could just load the single burst we want, but we have done all this work and it is perfectly setup to just extract every burst from the study in a nice for-loop. So let’s do that.

13import numpy as np
14import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
15from burstfit.data import BurstData
17for bid, row in canddf.iterrows():
18        bd = BurstData(
19                fp=row['file'],
20                dm=row['dm'],
21                width=row['width'],
22                snr=row['snr'],
23                tcand=row['tcand'],
24        )
25        bd.prepare_data(time_window=0.1) # 0.1 seconds
26        wfall = np.flipud(bd.sgram.astype(np.float64).copy())
27        if bid == 'B6.1':
28                plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', interpolation='none')

Here we have added an if-condition to plot the waterfall if it is burst B6 so we can see some output.


Burst B6 of Aggarwal et al. (2021) loaded.

To save these bursts we need the bandwidth and resolution information of the file, which is not readily available from the BurstFit package. The Your package is a general library for reading filterbank files (amongst others) and will provide this information.

Then, we will create the burstmetadata object and save the .npz for each burst, as in the previous section.

16import your
17yourdata = your.Your(files[1]) # assuming both files have same res and band
18datameta = yourdata.your_header
20for bid, row in canddf.iterrows():
21        bd = BurstData(
22                fp=row['file'],
23                dm=row['dm'],
24                width=row['width'],
25                snr=row['snr'],
26                tcand=row['tcand'],
27        )
28        bd.prepare_data(time_window=0.1) # 0.1 seconds
29        wfall = np.flipud(bd.sgram.astype(np.float64).copy())
30        if bid == 'B6.1':
31                plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', interpolation='none')
33        burstmetadata = {
34                'dt'        : datameta.tsamp,
35                'dfs'       : np.linspace(datameta.fch1-abs(datameta.bw), datameta.fch1, num=datameta.nchans),
36                'DM'        : row['dm'],
37                'bandwidth' : abs(datameta.bw),
38                'duration'  : 0.1,
39                'center_f'  : datameta.center_freq,
40                'freq_unit' : 'MHz',
41                'time_unit' : 's',
42                'int_unit'  : 'arb',
43                'telescope' : 'Arecibo',
44                'burstSN'   : row['snr'],
45                'raw_shape' : wfall.shape
46        }
48        wfallout = f'{bid}.npz'
49        np.savez(wfallout, wfall=wfall, **burstmetadata)


You may, as in the previous section, compute the axes and plot the figures to ensure that they match with the publication. Another option however is to load the burst into FRBGui and check the axes from there, as FRBGui will compute them for you from the information provided in the .npz file.

You have now completed the “Preparing Data” tutorials. These have hopefully given you an impression of the kind of tasks that may be involved in loading data from different research groups using different telescopes and different formats. The techniques shown here are certainly not exhaustive, but will hopefully have given you some experience in dealing with the data formats that FRBs can be found in.

1.2.1. Complete Code

For your reference, below is the complete script we developed for reading the bursts from Aggarwal et al. (2021) in filterbank format and preparing it as a numpy zipped .npz file, ready for further analysis in FRBGui or other Python scripts.

 1import pandas as pd
 2import numpy as np
 3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 4from burstfit.data import BurstData
 5from burstfit.utils.plotter import plot_me
 6import your
 8canddf = pd.read_csv('all_bursts_bary.csv')
 9files = [
10        'puppi_57644_C0531+33_0021_subs_0001.fil',
11        'puppi_57645_C0531+33_0029_subs_0001.fil'
14canddf['tstart'] = [float(candid.split('_')[2]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
15canddf['tcand']  = [float(candid.split('_')[4]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
16canddf['dm']     = [float(candid.split('_')[6]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
17canddf['snr']    = [float(candid.split('_')[8]) for candid in canddf['cand_id']]
18canddf['label']  = canddf['bidx']
19canddf['width']  = 256
20canddf['file']   = [files[0] if '57644' in str(tstart) else files[1] for tstart in canddf['tstart']]
21canddf = canddf.set_index('label')
23yourdata = your.Your(files[1]) # assuming both files have same res and band
24datameta = yourdata.your_header
25for bid, row in canddf.iterrows():
26        bd = BurstData(
27                fp=row['file'],
28                dm=row['dm'],
29                width=row['width'],
30                snr=row['snr'],
31                tcand=row['tcand'],
32        )
33        bd.prepare_data(time_window=0.1)
34        wfall = np.flipud(bd.sgram.astype(np.float64).copy())
35        if bid == 'B6.1':
36                plt.imshow(wfall, aspect='auto', interpolation='none')
38        burstmetadata = {
39                'dt'        : datameta.tsamp,
40                'dfs'       : np.linspace(datameta.fch1-abs(datameta.bw), datameta.fch1, num=datameta.nchans),
41                'DM'        : row['dm'],
42                'bandwidth' : abs(datameta.bw),
43                'duration'  : 0.1,
44                'center_f'  : datameta.center_freq,
45                'freq_unit' : 'MHz',
46                'time_unit' : 's',
47                'int_unit'  : 'arb',
48                'telescope' : 'Arecibo',
49                'burstSN'   : row['snr'],
50                'raw_shape' : wfall.shape
51        }
53        wfallout = f'{bid}.npz'
54        np.savez(wfallout, wfall=wfall, **burstmetadata)